A new way of looking for a job, with a focus on faith, began with ChristianJobs.com
With the launch of SermonSearch.com, a group of pastors shared their insights into God’s Word to help other pastors study, create, and proclaim through preaching and teaching
ChurchStaffing.com launched as a specialized place for churches and pastors to connect and find employment resources.
With the growth of technology in churches, SermonSpice introduced one place to find visual church media to enhance the message of sermons and the experience of worship.
WorshipHouse Media launched and quickly became a leader in offering mini movies, worship backgrounds, countdowns, and other media to help churches connect with their congregations
SCP began with the vision to equip pastors and church leaders with resources serve ministries throughout the entire church
SCP jumped into creating powerful worship backgrounds and church countdowns with the addition of PlaybackMedia.com
Our sites are leaders in offering effective and professional resources for churches and ministries in the areas of church media, worship, children’s ministry, preaching & teaching, and employment. Explore our sites to see how we can help enhance and grow your ministry.